IHB Sets Up Research Base in Hubei and Hunan Provinces
Professor from Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology Visits IHB
CAS Academician Gives Lecture on Ecological Conservation
CZRC Holds Three National Zebrafish Technical Training Courses
10th Cross-Strait Symposium on Constructed Wetland Held in Kaohsiung
Vice Mayor of Wuhan Investigates Lake Management in Yunnan
CAS Academician Calls for Ecological Protection for Hydropower Development in the Upper Reaches of Yangtze River
Executive Vice Chairman of Hubei Provincial Committee of CPPCC Visits IHB
Deputy Director General of CAS Bureau of Science Communication Visits IHB
Prof. LIN Sijie from College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji Univercity Visits IHB
Director General of Wuhan Bureau of Water Affairs Visits IHB
Prof. Qunsheng Lin from City University of Hong Kong Visits IHB
Professor from Chinese University of Hong Kong Visits IHB
Lecture on S&T Achievements Transformation Held at IHB
Delegation of Ningghuai Modern Service Industry Gathering Area Visits IHB