IHB Conducts Internal IP Audits
Academic Committee Meeting of State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology 2021 Held at IHB
IHB Holds 15th National Zebrafish Technical Training Course
IHB Holds Fifth Symposium on Aquatic Animal Behavior
Editorial Board Meeting of Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica Held at IHB
Prof. YU Yuhe Remains Honorary President of Chinese Protozoological Society
IHB Signs Agreement with HYPEC
IHB Holds Laboratory Safety Training Course 2021
IHB Holds Second Academic Committee Meeting 2021
IHB Holds Postcard Design Contest for Yangtze Finless Porpoise
IHB Signs a Cooperation Agreement with Lihe Technology
Second Yunshui Scholarship Winner Gives Lecture at IHB
Unforgettable Birthday Party for 28 IHB Retired Faculty and Staff Members
IHB Holds Lecture on Intellectual Property Rights
Deputy Director General of Hubei S&T Department Visits IHB