

Professor from CAS Institute of Biophysics Visits IHB


Prof. ZHU Bing from Institute of Biophysics (IBP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences paid a visit to IHB on July 1, 2019. 

Prof. ZHU Bing from Institute of Biophysics (IBP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences paid a visit to Institute of Hydrobiology (IHB) of  Chinese Academy of Sciences on July 1, 2019. During his visit, Prof. Zhu was invited to give a lecture entitled Establishment & maintenance of epigenetic information. 

In his presentation, Prof. Zhu began with a brief introduction of two important epigenetic information, i.e., histone modification and DNA methylation. Then he elaborated the latest research progress about the relationship between different kinds of DNA methylation, open chromatin and active transcription.  

Towards the end of the lecture, Prof. Zhu focused on the function of Dnmt3a/b/c and Dnmt1 during the establishment and maintenance of DNA methylation. In this study, Dnmt1 possess de novo methylation activity is an important supplement for classical epigenetic theory. 

After the lecture, IHB researchers and students exchanged views with Prof. Zhu on “the potential of small molecule drugs to heal cancer via influencing DNA methylation level”, “whether Dnmt1 possess de novo methylation activity in non-egg cells” and “the causes of different DNA methylation and methylase between eggs and sperm cells”.