

90th Anniversary Lecture Series '10

Time: 09:30, October 21, 2020  

Venue: 2F Lecture Hall, No.3 Laboratory Building

Speaker: Prof. WU Fengchang 

Title: Thinking of the environmental quality standards for surface water  

Introduction to the Speaker:  

Prof. Wu is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and serves as the director of the State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment.  

Prof. Wu’s research focuses are on environmental criteria and risk assessment, and technology research and development & engineering practice. He has made innovative achievements in theory and methodologies in water environmental criteria, key technologies and engineering applications. He has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award (2nd Class), three 1st class provincial-level and ministerial-level awards, Science and Technology Award from the Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, Government Service Award of Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, granted titles of Leading Scientists, Engineers and Innovators of China, and won the National May 1st Labor Medal.