

Sino-US Mini-symposium on “Harmful Cyanobacteria”

Sino-US Mini-symposium on “Harmful Cyanobacteria”

(506 Meeting Room,Aquatic Museum Building, Institute of Hydrobiology)

(June 23, 2011)


2:30-2:40 pm, Introduction

2:40-3:10 pm, Prof. Steven Wilhelm, University of Tennessee

"Progress in metagenomic and metaproteomic analyses of Microcystis blooms”

3:10-3:40 pm, Prof. Greg Boyer, State University of New York “Cyanobacteria Toxins: Their distribution and detection in the Great Lakes Region”

3:40-4:10 pm, Prof. Kyle Hoagland, University of Nebraska

"BMAA, a new" neuro-cyanotoxin in the United States, China, and worldwide”

Break  4:10-4:20


4:20-4:50 pm, Prof. Lirong Song, Institute of Hydrobiology,CAS

"Comparative study on the dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms in large shallow lakes: a preliminary investigation in Lake Taihu, Dianchi and Chaohu”

4:50-5:10 pm, Prof. Renhui Li, Institute of Hydrobiology,CAS

"Molecular characterization and monitoring of Geosmin- and MIB- associated genes in cyanobacteria”