

IHB and Griffith University Sign Cooperation Memorandum

Prof. XU Xudong, deputy director of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) and Prof. Ian O’Connor, vice chancellor and president of Griffith University, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on research collaboration on September 14, 2011.  

In recognition of the mutual benefits derived from scholarly interaction, the MoU is signed to facilitate the close cooperative relationship between both institutions and effectively enhance the carry-out of joint research projects in the fields of river and wetland science, including river classification, river protection and restoration, climate change, environmental flow, water resources management and aquatic biodiversity.  

According to the MoU, both institutions will cooperate in promoting student exchange, exchange of academic papers, joint publication of high level academic papers and joint training and supervision of graduate students etc. Besides, a visiting scholar scheme will be developed to encourage and invite research academics. The MoU will also enable researchers from both institutions to conduct mutually beneficial projects.  

Established in 1971, Griffith University has come to be regarded as one of Australia's most innovative tertiary institutions and one of the most influential universities in the Asia-Pacific region. It actively leads research in water resources and environmental flow. The Research Group of Taxonomy and Ecology of Benthos at IHB (Principal Investigator: Prof. WANG Hongzhu) has been conducting researches with Australian River Institute at Griffith University (ARI) in recent years. Dr. LIU Xueqin from this research group was invited to participate in a river health assessment and monitoring training program in Griffith University in 2010.